#arthemetic Operators
#arthemetic Operators
echo "enter two numbers:"
read a b
c=`expr $a + $b`
echo "the sum of two Numbers: $c"
c=`expr $a - $b`
echo "the sub of two Numbers: $c"
c=`expr $a \* $b`
echo "the mul of two Numbers: $c"
c=`expr $a / $b`
echo "the div of two Numbers: $c"
#Double paranthesies
echo "Sum = $Sum"
echo "Addition of x & y"
echo $(( $a + $b ))
echo "Subtraction of x & y"
echo $(( $a - $b ))
echo "Multiplication of x & y"
echo $(( $a * $b ))
echo "Addition"
let "z = $(( x + y ))"
echo "z= $z"
echo "Substraction"
let "z = $((x - y ))"
echo "z= $z"
echo "Multiplication"
let "z = $(( x * y ))"
echo "z = $z"
echo "Division"
let "z = $(( x / y ))"
echo "z = $z"
echo "Exponentiation"
let "z = $(( x ** y ))"
echo "z = $z"
echo "Modular Division"
let "z = $(( x % y ))"
echo "z = $z"
let "x += 5"
echo "Incrementing x by 5, then x= "
echo $x
let "x -= 5"
echo "Decrementing x by 5, then x= "
echo $x
let "x *=5"
echo "Multiply of x by 5, then x="
echo $x
let "x /= 5"
echo "Dividing x by 5, x= "
echo $x
let "x %= 5"
echo "Remainder of Dividing x by 5, x="
echo $x