Types of Quotes
- Double Quotes(""): Print value of string
- Single Quotes(' '): Print the same value
- Back slash(\): back Slash
- back quotes(``): To execute any command
Basic Examples
[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ echo "welcome to india"
welcome to india
[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ echo "the current date is: 'date'"
the current date is: 'date'
[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ echo "the current date is: `date`"
the current date is: Fri Jun 10 06:50:45 UTC 2022
[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ echo "the current date is: `ls`"
the current date is: abc3
[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ echo "the current date is: `pwd`"
the current date is: /home/haritaraka12078
[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ echo "the current date is: `cal`"
the current date is: June 2022
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
Bash Script Example 1:
[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ cat quote.sh
# String in single quote
echo 'Hello User'
# String in double quote
echo "we are javatpoint"
#quote with variable
name="You are welcome at javatpoint"
echo "$name"
echo '$name'
[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ ./quote.sh
Hello User
we are javatpoint
You are welcome at javatpoint
Bash Script Example 2:
[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ cat example.sh
echo "When single quote is used with string:"
invitation='Welcome to javatpoint'
echo $invitation
echo "When double quote is used with string:"
invitation="Welcome to javatpoint"
echo $invitation
echo "When variable is used with double quote:"
Remark="Hello User!, $invitation"
echo $Remark
echo "When variable is used with single quote:"
Remark='Hello User!, $invitation'
echo $Remark
[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ ./example.sh
When single quote is used with string:
Welcome to javatpoint
When double quote is used with string:
Welcome to javatpoint
When variable is used with double quote:
Hello User!, Welcome to javatpoint
When variable is used with single quote:
Hello User!, $invitation