List File Contents

 List File Contents 

  • head-It displays the beginning of a file.
  • tail-It displays the last last part of a file.
  • cat-This command is versatile and multi worker.
  • tac-Opposite of cat.
  • more-Command line diaplays contents in pager form that is either in more format.
  • less-Command line diaplays contents in pager form that is either in less format.



  • The 'head' command displays the starting content of a file. 
  • By default, it displays starting 10 lines of any file.

[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ head jtp.txt
thank you
software engineer
hari taraka prabhu manyam
you are welcome
linux weindows operating systems
quality engineer

Head command for multiple files
If we'll write two file names then it will display first ten lines (in this case file has five lines only) of each file separated by a heading.

[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ head jtp.txt marks.txt
==> jtp.txt <==
thank you
software engineer
hari taraka prabhu manyam
you are welcome
linux weindows operating systems
quality engineer

==> marks.txt <==
thank you
software engineer
hari taraka prabhu manyam
you are welcome
linux weindows operating systems
quality engineer

head -n
The 'head -n' option displays specified number of lines.

[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ head -5 jtp.txt
thank you

head -c
The 'head -c' command counts the number of bytes of a file
[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ head -c 4 jtp.txt



  • Linux tail command is used to display the last ten lines of one or more files. Its main purpose is to read the error message.

[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ tail jtp.txt
thank you
software engineer
hari taraka prabhu manyam
you are welcome
linux weindows operating systems
quality engineer
big data hadoop tester
goiod afternoon
happy new year

[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ tail -n 5 jtp.txt
linux weindows operating systems
quality engineer
big data hadoop tester
goiod afternoon
happy new year

[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ tail -n 5 jtp.txt marks.txt
==> jtp.txt <==
linux weindows operating systems
quality engineer
big data hadoop tester
goiod afternoon
happy new year

==> marks.txt <==
linux weindows operating systems
quality engineer
big data hadoop tester
goiod afternoon
happy new year

[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ tail -c 6 marks.txt

[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ tail -f jtp.txt
thank you
software engineer
hari taraka prabhu manyam
you are welcome
linux weindows operating systems
quality engineer
big data hadoop tester
goiod afternoon
happy new year

Tail with other commands
The tail command can be used with other commands. It can be piped to other commands to filter the output. Consider the below command:

[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ ls -t /etc | tail -n 6



  • As 'cat' command displays the file content. Same way 'more' command also displays the content of a file. 
  • Only difference is that, in case of larger files, 'cat' command output will scroll off your screen while 'more' command displays output one screenful at a time.

Following keys are used in 'more' command to scroll the page:

Enter key     --------------->> To scroll down page line by line.
Space bar     --------------->>  To go to next page.
b key             --------------->> To go to the backward page.
/ key             --------------->>  Lets you search the string.

Syntax:    more <file name>  

  • To scroll down use 'space' button, next page will be displayed.
  • If you want to scroll down the page line by line use 'enter' key.
  • If you want to go to the last or backward page use 'b' key.

Options                                 Function
more -num                     Limits the line displayed per page.
more -d                             Displays user message at right corner.
more -s                             Squeeze blank lines.
more +/string name             It helps to find the string.
more +num                     Used to display the content from a specific line.

Note: The 'more' command can't be used to display binary files.



  • The 'less' command is same as 'more' command but include some more features.
  • It automatically adjust with the width and height of the teminal window, 
  • while 'more' command cuts the content as the width of the terminal window get shorter.

less <file name>  

Linux To Find A String
A particular string is searched by typing forward slash (/) and then followed by the string name, at place of file name in the lower left corner of the terminal box.

Syntax:    /string name  
Example:   /add  

less Command Navigation Keys
The 'less' command have navigation keys similar to the 'vim' editor. Let's have a look on some of the navigation keys and other operations of less command.

1. Search Navigation
search navigtion keys will help you in forward and backward search.

Forward search
  • / : search for a pattern for the next occurence
  • n : search for next match
  • N : search for previous match

Backward search

  • ? : search for a pattern for the next occurence
  • n : for next match in backward direction
  • N : for previous match in forward direction

Search path

  • Forward : /\/home\/sssit\/
  • Backward : /home/sssit

2. Screen Navigation
  • Ctrl + f : forwards one window
  • Ctrl + d : forwards half window
  • Ctrl + b : backwards one window
  • Ctrl + u : backwards half window

3. Line Navigation

to move forward or backward line by line
  • j : forward by one line
  • k : backward by one line

4. other Navigations
  • G : used to go to end of the file
  • g : used to go to start of the file
  • q or ZZ : to exit

5. Count Keys
  • 10j : 10 lines forward
  • 10k : 10 lines backward

6. Marked Navigation
  • ma : mark current position with letter 'a'
  • a : go to marked position

7. Multiple File

  • by passing arguments in the same line
less file1 file2  

  • while viewing file1 go to file2
less file1  
:e file2  

  • to navigate between files when more then two files are opened
n : go to next file
p : go to previous file



  • The 'cat' command is the most universal and powerful tool. 
  • It is considered to be one of the most frequently used commands.
  •  It can be used to display the content of a file, copy content from one file to another, concatenate the contents of multiple files, display the line number, display $ at the end of the line, etc.
cat > [fileName]                                         To create a file.
cat [oldfile] > [newfile]                                 To copy content from older to new file.
cat [file1 file2 and so on] > [new file name] To concatenate contents of multiple files into one.
cat -n/cat -b [fileName]                                 To display line numbers.
cat -e [fileName]                                         To display $ character at the end of each line.
cat [fileName] <<EOF                                 Used as page end marker.

ritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ cat>exm.txt
apple is red
mango is yellow
your dress color is red
black color suits you all

[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ cat>>exm.txt

[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ cat exm.txt
apple is red
mango is yellow
your dress color is red
black color suits you all

[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ cat exm.txt>exm2.txt
[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ cat exm2.txt
apple is red
mango is yellow
your dress color is red
black color suits you all

[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ cat site.txt
sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday

[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ cat exm.txt site.txt >combo

[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ cat combo
apple is red
mango is yellow
your dress color is red
black color suits you all
sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday

[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ cat - exm.txt site.txt >combo

[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ cat combo
apple is red
mango is yellow
your dress color is red
black color suits you all
sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday

[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ cat -n combo
     1  9874563212356
     2  apple is red
     3  mango is yellow
     4  your dress color is red
     5  black color suits you all
     6  123456789
     7  sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday

[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ cat -b combo
     1  9874563212356
     2  apple is red
     3  mango is yellow
     4  your dress color is red
     5  black color suits you all
     6  123456789
     7  sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday

[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ cat -e exm.txt
apple is red$
mango is yellow$
your dress color is red$
black color suits you all$

[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ cat>exm.txt<<EOF
> apple is red$
> mango is yellow$
> your dress color is red$
> black color suits you all$
> 123456789$
> -bash: warning: here-document at line 141 delimited by end-of-file (wanted `EOF')

[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ cat weeks.txt | tac | cat | cat | tac



  • The 'tac' command is the reverse of the 'cat' command. 
  • It is also known as 'cat' backward. It will display the file content in reverse order. 
  • It prints the last line first, then second last and so on. Such way, it prints the first line at last.

[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ cat file2.txt

[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ tac file2.txt

[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ tac exm.txt --separator "red"
black color suits you all$
mango is yellow$
your dress color is redapple is red

[haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$ tac exm.txt --separator "yellow"
your dress color is red$
black color suits you all$
apple is red$
mango is yellow

tac exm.txt --separator "all"
apple is red$
mango is yellow$
your dress color is red$
black color suits you all [haritaraka12078@cxln4 ~]$