Python Intro


simple syntax
length of code very small
complex problems can be solved

Both procedural & object oreinted language
save with (.py) extension
independent language
Interpreted (Translation)
decalring variables not required
IDE (integreated development environment) : pycharm, pydev, IDLE, jupter, Notebook , Spyder 

simple to learn
open source
high level interpreter(transalator)
object oreinted
standard libraries(200+ functions in bult)

Python Interpreter

In c--------> Compiler
source code---> compiler ---> machine code ---> output

In Python-------> Interpreter
Source code--->interpreter (Compiler + Virtual Machine) ---> output

Python History
Python was invented by Guido van Rossum in 1991 at CWI in Netherland. 
The idea of Python programming language has taken from the ABC programming language or we can say that ABC is a predecessor of Python language.