Python print() Function
- print(*objects, sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout, flush=False)
Let's explain its parameters one by one.
- objects - An object is nothing but a statement that to be printed. The * sign represents that there can be multiple statements.
- sep - The sep parameter separates the print values. Default values is ' '.
- end - The end is printed at last in the statement.
- file - It must be an object with a write(string) method.
- flush - The stream or file is forcibly flushed if it is true. By default, its value is false.
Python Program
#Example - 1: Return a value
print("Welcome to javaTpoint.")
a = 10
# Two objects are passed in print() function
print("a =", a)
b = a
# Three objects are passed in print function
print('a =', a, '= b')
print ("=================================================================")
#Example - 2: Using sep and end argument
a = 10
print("a =", a, sep='dddd', end='\n\n\n')
print("a =", a, sep='0', end='$$$$$')
print ("=================================================================")
#Taking Input to the User: Python provides the input() function which is used to take input from the user. Let's understand the following example.
#Example - 3
print (sep='dd')
name = input("Enter a name of student:")
print("The student name is: ", name)
print ("=================================================================")
#Example - 4
a = int(input("Enter first number: "))
b = int(input("Enter second number: "))
print("the sum of a+b is:", a+b)
Welcome to javaTpoint.
a = 10
a = 10 = b
a =dddd10
a =010$$$$$=================================================================
Enter a name of student:prabhu
The student name is: prabhu
Enter first number: 10
Enter second number: 20
the sum of a+b is: 30
Another EXAMPLE : Single /Multiple lines printing
We can print multiple variables within the single print statement. Below are the example of single and multiple printing values.
#Example - 1 (Printing Single Variable)
# printing single value
print("a value is ", a)
#Example - 2 (Printing Multiple Variables)
#separate the variables by the comma
a value is 5
5 6
10 20 30 40 50 60