Redirection Operators (>,>>,<,error 2>)


Redirection Operators (>,>>,<,error 2>)

Types of Redirection 

1. Overwrite  

  • “>” standard output
  • “<” standard input
2. Appends  
  • “>>” standard output
  • “<<” standard input

3. Merge

  • “p >& q” Merges output from stream p with stream q
  • “p <& q” Merges input from stream p with stream q


Regular output > operator

[damon@localhost ~]$ date
Output--->>Tue Dec 29 04:07:37 PM MST 2020

[damon@localhost ~]$ date > specifications.txt
[damon@localhost ~]$ cat specifications.txt 
Output--->>Tue Dec 29 04:08:44 PM MST 2020
Desc------>> Date function data will store directly to specifications.txt file by using (>) Operator

Note------>>The problem with the > redirector is that it overwrites any existing data in the file
[damon@localhost ~]$ hostname > specifications.txt 
[damon@localhost ~]$ cat specifications.txt 
Output--->> localhost.localdomain
Desc------>> Overwrited the date data to hostname data

Regular output append >> operator

[damon@localhost ~]$ date > specifications.txt
[damon@localhost ~]$ hostname >> specifications.txt 
[damon@localhost ~]$ uname -r >> specifications.txt 
[damon@localhost ~]$ cat specifications.txt 
Output--->>Tue Dec 29 04:11:51 PM MST 2020
Desc ------>> (append >>) operator adds the output to the existing content instead of overwriting it.

Regular input < operator

[damon@localhost ~]$ sort < mylist.txt 
Desc ------>> You can pull the contents of the file into the sort command by using the < operator.

[damon@localhost ~]$ sort < mylist.txt > alphabetical-file.txt
[damon@localhost ~]$ cat alphabetical-file.txt 
Desc ------>>  redirect the sorted results to a new file:

Regular error 2> operator

Desc  ------>>  When a program or script does not generate the expected results, it throws an error. The error is usually sent to the stdout, but it can be redirected elsewhere. The stderr operator is 2> (for file descriptor 2).

File                             File             Descriptor
Standard Input         STDIN         0

Standard Output     STDOUT         1

Standard Error         STDERR         2


myprogram 2>errorfile

Desc ------>>  The file descriptor for standard error is 2.
                        Using “2>” we re-direct the error output to a file named “errorfile”
                        Thus, program output is not cluttered with errors.