String Creation

object HelloWorld {
  def main(args : Array[String]){
     //String Creation
    var greeting="hello world...!"
    var greeting1 : String = "Hello Hari Taraka Prabhu!";
    println("                                      ")
    //length of the string
    var lenstring = " welcome to scala programming"
    var len=lenstring.length()
    println("length of the string is:" + len)
    println("                                      ")
    //Concatenating Strings
    val name="PRABHU_MANYAM"
    val age=30
    val job="Senior QA Engineer"
    println("name of the employee is " +  name + " and his age is " + age + " , his job is " + job)
    println(s"my name is :$name\nage is:$age\njob is:$job")
    println("                                      ")


hello world...!
Hello Hari Taraka Prabhu!
(hello world...!,Hello Hari Taraka Prabhu!)
hello world...!
Hello Hari Taraka Prabhu!
length of the string is:29
name of the employee is PRABHU_MANYAM and his age is 30 , his job is Senior QA Engineer
my name is :PRABHU_MANYAM
age is:30
job is:Senior QA Engineer