Table Insert(Data Manipulation Language)

1st method:

INSERT INTO table_name  VALUES (value1, value2, value3....);  

2nd method: 
specifies both the column name and values which you want to insert.

INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3....) VALUES (value1, value2, value3.....);  

With "Select" Statement

can copy all the data of a table and insert into in a different table.

insert into 2nd_table select * from first_table;

Specific Columns from different table

insert into 2nd_table (col1, col2) select col1,col2 from furst_Table;

insert into employee2(emp_id, first_name) select emp_id, first_name from employee where salary>5000;

Insert Multiple Values

CREATE TABLE student(ID INT,Name VARCHAR(20),Percentage INT,Location VARCHAR(20),DateOfBirth DATE);  

INSERT INTO student(ID,Name,Percentage,Location,DateOfBirth) VALUES (1,'Manthan Koli',79,'Delhi','05-JUN-03');

INSERT INTO student(ID,Name,Percentage,Location,DateOfBirth) VALUES (2,'Dev Dixit',75,'Pune','05-JUN-03');

in MySQL:

 INSERT INTO student(ID,Name,Percentage,Location,DateOfBirth) 
  (2,'Dev Dixit',75,'Pune','1999-06-17')
 (3,'Aakash Deshmukh',87,'Mumbai','1997-09-12'),
 (4,'Aaryan Jaiswal',90,'Chennai','2005-10-02');