Variable Intro & Rules for naming

 Variable is a name that is used to refer to memory location. Python variable is also known as an identifier and used to hold value.

Identifier Naming
  • The first character of the variable must be an alphabet or underscore ( _ ).
  • All the characters except the first character may be an alphabet of lower-case(a-z), upper-case (A-Z), underscore, or digit (0-9).
  • Identifier name must not contain any white-space, or special character (!, @, #, %, ^, &, *).
  • Identifier name must not be similar to any keyword defined in the language.
  • Identifier names are case sensitive; for example, my name, and MyName is not the same.
  • Examples of valid identifiers: a123, _n, n_9, etc.
  • Examples of invalid identifiers: 1a, n%4, n 9, etc.

In C -------------->> if you want to store, we need to give declaration
Intergers -------> int a;
float -------------->> float b;

In Python -------------->>No need declaration