Monday, May 30, 2022

Shell Scripting


  1. Basic Information
  2. Check Shells
  3. Sample Hello Script (Echo Commands Options)
  4. re-direct to output into file
  5. creating file and adding the data while executing script
  6. adding new data instead of replacing
  9. HereDOC -- What ever we are going to write in scrpit: it will visible on output
  10. Script Inputs ( Arguments, Read, STDIN)
  11. Script Outputs (STDOUT , STDERR)
  12. Variables
  13. Command Arguments
  14. Example Script1 ( Echo, variables, arguments)
  15. Ex : Create no of files
  16. Ex: Send output from one script to another script
  17. Arithmetic Operators
  18. File Operators for finding (-f, -d, -s, -w, -r, -x)
  19. Ex: Numeric and Athematic Operations : Arithmetic Operations
  20. Ex: Numeric and Athematic Operations: converting-list-of-hexadecimal-numbers
  21. Test Commands (integral part of the conditional statements)
  22. Functions
  23. Conditional Statements (IF, if-else, if-else-if, case)
  24. Loop Statements (For, While, Until)
  25. Conditional Statements (Example)
  26. Conditional / Loop Examples
  27. Loop Statement Ex: Get all test files size and Move 0KB files into separate folder
  28. Break & Continue statements
  29. String Processing - comparing strings
  30. String Processing - Comparing Length of strings
  31. String Processing - String concatenation
  32. String Processing - script for upper and lower cases
  33. Grep(global regular expression print) : Search string in the File : Example 1
  34. Grep : Search string in the File from given path : Example 2
  35. Grep : Case Sensitive (-i)
  36. Grep : Case sensitive & For Line Numbers (-n)
  37. Grep : count of lines which is contains the given text (-c)
  38. Grep : count of lines which is not contains the given text(-v)
  39. Grep : Display's the lines after the results( -A, -B, -C)
  40. AWK : print a file
  41. AWK : search for a specific pattern using ‘awk’
  42. AWK : extract the content from the lines, where the program found its targeted word.($1, $2)
  43. AWK : To print the first item along with the row number(NR) separated with ” – “ from each line
  44. AWK : To print any non empty line if present
  45. AWK: To print the squares of first numbers from 1 to n say 6:
  46. AWK: To find/check for any string in any specific column:
  47. AWK: Printing lines with less than 20 characters:  
  48. AWK: To find the length of the longest line present in the file:
  49. SED - Stream editor - Changing one letter --> 's/i/I/'
  50. SED - Changing all letters --> 's/i/I/g' --> Global Replacement
  51. SED - Substitute word
  52. SED - Case Sensitive (-i)
  53. SED - Removing lines /d
  54. SED - Displaying multiple consecutive lines--------->>sed -n '1p' <filename>
  55. SED - Reading Commands From another File--------->>sed -f <sed file> <file name> 
  56. SED - Replacing words in selective lines->> '1,3s/word/relaceword/'
  57. SED - Replacing selective occurrence (sed 's/unix/25555/4i' $fileName )
  58. SED - Printing lines that contain a particular word (sed -n '/WIndows/p')
  59. SED - Transformation of Characters----------->>>'y/abc/123/'
  60. SED - To delete any blank records- awk -F " " '{print $4}' | sed '/^$/d'
  61. SED All Commands

Some More Example Scripts

Linux Commands

  1. System Information
  2. Users in Linux
  3. Listing Files & Directories
  4. Directories
  5. Files Creation
  6. Copy, Move, Remove
  7. Wild card Characters
  8. Redirection Operators
  9. Filter Commands (FMT, CUT, COMM, GREP, SED, TEE, TR, UNIQ, WC, SORT, OD, GZIP)
  10. List File Contents ( Head, Tail, Cat, Tac, More, Less)
  11. AWK Command
  12. Linux Aliases
  13. File Permissions
  14. Linux - Unix Commands